Cloud based Production - Peacksoft Production ERP

Cloud based Production Software

What is Cloud Based Production

Cloud-based Production is a system of Manufacturing and Production Management software and tools that are hosted and managed offsite in the cloud by your vendor and accessed in Software As A Service (SaaS) model. With cloud deployment, you can focus on running your business rather than IT administration. Cloud-based SaaS systems put the management and maintenance burden on the vendor rather than on your business. Cloud Prduction offers ongoing and seamless software updates. Deploying cloud Production also requires little to no IT involvement, which can enable your team to elevate their value to the business by spending more time on tasks that support strategic growth initiatives.

In the cloud, your Production system can help you shift your focus to business outcomes rather than technology. The automatic updates help you keep pace with the rapid nature of technological change. With ready access to more innovative business software, you can build a competitive advantage that grows and evolves with the market.

Security will always be a top priority. When you invest in cloud Production deployment with Peacksoft ERP, you’re also benefitting from world-class security infrastructure, best backups and disaster recovery (using Google Cloud Machines), and guaranteed 99.5% uptime.


Production Design: It helps user to design finished good Bill of Material with raw materials linked to final good. Similarly, for production process, user can define Routing master with each steps of production job clearly defined with their cycle time, machine linking and labour association.

Work Order Plan: Company can manage the company production demands (both Make to Stock and Make to Order) in the form of work order plan with their batch quantity and delivery date. Based on this, software can suggest to create production plan with each detailed job tasks, their start and end date, machine and labour ownership.

Production Planning & Scheduling: Advanced Production Scheduler (APS) of Peacksoft Production is the core module which handles planning, rescheduling the job tasks based on dynamic requirements of the company.

Quality Inspection & Control: Sample inspection for the Work in Progress (WIP) goods as well as finished good can be done very methodically with proper measurement of inspection results. Given the QC parameters master of goods, proper QC report can be generated very easily from the software.

Finished Good Delivery & Shipping: After successfull QC, finished goods are planned for delivery and final shipping. Inventory adjustment of raw materials and finished goods are automatically managed by the software.

Reports & Analytics : All kinds of production statistics of work order planning with their statuses, current productions vs target production, machine and labour tracking, per unit cost of production, production OEE can be very easiliy obtained through corresponding reports dashboard.

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Quick updates and upgrades: Peacksoft Cloud CRM offers instant and ongoing updates and upgrades to your ERP software and tools, so you never have to worry whether you’re using the most up-to-date technology to suit your business needs. You also don’t have to spend time updating—or hiring someone to update—your systems like you would if you used an on-premises ERP system.

Lower up-front and operating costs: One of the biggest benefits offered by cloud ERP is that it’s much less expensive than traditional on-premise ERP systems. When you deploy on premises, you might pay for the software once by way of a license, but you have other costly expenses such as server purchase and ongoing maintenance, database creation and management, initial implementation, IT staffing, energy costs, and security and backup. With cloud ERP, you pay less up front and your overall ongoing operating costs are much lower because the vendor takes care of updates, maintenance, and security for you.

Faster implementation: Cloud ERP can also get up and running in much less time than on-premises ERP systems. With on-premises ERP, you have to spend time in selecting and purchasing hardware, training IT staff, potentially hiring more people, implementing new data security protocols, and ensuring that everyone on your team has reliable access to the tools they need to help you grow your business. With cloud ERP, deployment and implementation are faster and seamless. Deploying your software in the cloud is also reliable and offers easy data access in real time from anywhere, anytime, which can help make your entire team more collaborative and successful in their roles.

Scalability: Cloud ERP is built to help you scale operations at your company. Cloud ERP allows your team and partners to access information on a global level. With cloud ERP, you also benefit from world-class security and system monitoring that allow you to grow quickly without having to wonder whether or not your information is safe.

Better accessibility, mobility, and usability: As your ERP system is managed in the cloud and global-ready, your team can access the tools they need from anywhere using their mobile phones and an Internet connection. Information is accessible in real time, so key business decisions can be made without having to wait until everyone is in the same room or accessing your ERP system from the same place. In other words, it helps you build a more agile team. This focus on instant accessibility and improved collaboration helps boost productivity both inside and outside your enterprise.

Improved system availability and disaster recovery: Data security is a very real concern for any team today that leverages the Internet to run their business. When you invest in cloud ERP, you put the responsibility on the shoulders of your vendor—and they ensure that your system is protected from potential attacks or vulnerabilities. Peacksoft ERP invests in world-class infrastructure and security to keep your system protected and allow you to focus on other areas of your business that require your attention.

Cost transparency: When you deploy cloud ERP systems, cost is predictable and transparent. Either you pay a monthly subscription on the SaaS model, or you adhere to a pay-per-use model. In addition, there are no unexpected expenses relating to software updates and technology upgrades with cloud ERP, as they fall under the responsibility of your vendor.

Security standards and compliance: As mentioned, cloud-based ERP vendors like Peacksoft have world-class security support and protection for customers. It maintains a comprehensive, end-to-end security model. We build security into every layer of the ERP environment—and physical network interface cards, user passwords, and 24x7 system monitoring and application level SSL. \ A holistic approach to security lets us anticipate and minimize disruptions, giving you more uptime and better peace of mind.

Sales automation: Sales automation is also optimized thanks to the global-readiness, real-time, and mobile access that comes with cloud ERP deployments. With cloud ERP, your partners, customers, and vendors can connect to your system seamlessly from anywhere in the world. Peacksoft cloud ERP is highly reliable, and customers who deploy ERP through the cloud experience a 99.5% or greater uptime.

Peacksoft ERP ( has been the one of the best ERP software providers pan India with the following capabilities. Business flow operation (management) in Peacksoft UI is very self-descriptive so that every process is well mapped in proper sequence of operation. Every flow operates on previously generated record which is consistent in all the records. Peacksoft workflow and data model is as per any standard ERP workflow available in big ERP software vendors like SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and Others. Hence migrating from any other software to Peacksoft or from Peacksoft to other software is very smooth. Peacksoft being a SaaS based software provider, is the cheapest in terms of resource usage and maintenance. It is very simple and easy to use yet very functionally rich. Existing organizational structure can relate the similar process flow and responsibilities to the software features. Just like any other Centralized cloud infrastructure upgrade, Peacksoft has seamless software upgrade in very short window period where end user does not get affected. It has the minimum implementation time and maximum customization possible.

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Intuitive solutions on cloud with integrated features like Accounting, Purchase, Sales, Production, CRM, Payroll, Inventory & Filing of all compliances. . Call us at +91-86608 58802 (M: 9845167247) to schedule a consultation.

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