CRM Reports & Analytics

Dashboard captures summary of counts of Lead, Deal, Quotations in a given financial year. It also captures forecast deal and actual deal value, monthly trends of lead, deal, quotations.

Peacksoft CRM can collate the complete summary of Lead (Pending), Deal and Quotations for each branch and drill down option of detailed report from the dashboard.
It shows all sales employees field visit trends and their cumulative monthly attendance summary.
It brings the alert of Lead followups with reminders to user.
Dashboard has the short summary of Sales Visit schedules due in coming days and overdues from the scheduled date. User can work on these schedules as it allows user to directly manage those schedules from the dashboard.
It shows the summary of all pending leads, deals and quotations with higher priority, overdue.


Dashboard captures summary of counts of Lead, Deal, Quotations in a given financial year. It also captures forecast deal and actual deal value, monthly trends of lead, deal, quotations.
It shows all the pie charts for leads by location, leads by source, leads by status, leads by industry, deals by stage, deals by source and bar chart for deals activity.

CRM Dashboard CRM Dashboard CRM Dashboard

Lead Funnel Analysis Deal Funnel Analysis Sales Quotation Statistics Lead Activity Analysis Sales Forecast vs Plan vs Order

Lead, Deal and Quotation Analytics

Lead reports by status, it's pipeline stages and funnel analysis.
Lead activity reports category wise and month wise.
Sales Deals and forecasting pipeline stages and funnel analysis.
Quotation month wise trends and status wise tracking.

Sales Force Automation Analytics

Sales Visit schedules in a calendar month, week and day wise from last 3 months to next 6 months in future.
Monthly Sales Visit count vs visit completion count, visit report submission.
Sales employee wise visit schedules pie chart, visit status pie chart and todays schedule gantt chart.
Sales employee attendance tracking daywise in a month and cumulatve attendance month wise.

SFA Visit chart SFA Visit calendar SFA Employee Attendance SFA Visit Report

Employee Sales Goal Employee Field Expense

Sales Analysis Reports

Employee Sales Goal metrics per quater/month.
Employee Sales Field Expense tracking.

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