Peacksoft SFA Features

Mobile access: It allows field force team members to access and update customer information, schedule appointments, and perform other tasks while on the go.
GPS tracking: It allows managers to track the location of field force team members and monitor their activities in real time.
Schedule management: It Allows field force team members to schedule and manage appointments, as well as to plan their routes and optimize their time.
Customer information management: It allows field person to access and update customer information, such as contact details, service requests.
Attendance Marking: It allows users to mark attendance with geo-location at the begining and end of the visit.
Visit Reord Upload: It allows users to upload visit records with image.

Peacksoft SFA Benefits

Automation of Sales Field: Sales automation basically eliminates all the tedious, manual tasks from your sales team’s day-to-day, allowing them to concentrate on nurturing and selling to their leads.
Better Sales forecasting: Strategy-wise, sales force automation software comes equipped with features that enable you to analyze customer behaviors and market sentiment. These helps you to understand past and current sales trends more intimately, which in turn allows you to come up with an accurate sales forecast.
Upselling or Cross-selling: This will automatically track and record your customer’s entire order history, so that you identify possible upselling and cross-selling opportunities with a single glance.

Peacksoft SFA

SFA Visit SFA Visit Notes SFA Visit Report Sales Visit Report Sales Person Attendance Sales Person Expense

Sales Field Automation

Sales person activity planning
add sales person visit schedule for a given date and time with customer product details. The corresponding visit schedule can be checked from each employee login (ESS Portal).
Admin user needs to schedule date and time and allocates to employee with target customer and place in each sales visit.

Sales Person tour planning
For any sales person, multiple client visits can be scheduled according to optimized route of customer locations so that maximum customer coverage is achieved in shortest time and route path.

Sales Person Visit report capture
For every client visit, sales person should maintain visit report which can be verified by manager and above.

Sales Person Field Attendance
For every client visit, sales person needs to make attendance from field location at the start and end of the visit. The duration between two attendances for any given location will actually give the details of customer visit. Peacksoft SFA Mobile app has the provision to mark attendance. This sends attendance details with person geo location.

Sales Person Expense Tracking
User can add expense details with each SFA visit. Application will have provision to approve this expense details from sales person.

Read more on Peacksoft CRM Details

Peacksoft SFA App (Anroid).


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