Vendor Relationship Management Context

Vendor relationship management (VRM) is a critical function in many organizations because good relationships with vendors can lead to better prices, better planning, better responses to adverse events and less risk in operations and supply chains.

VRM is an ongoing process that’s valuable for some businesses and vital for others — especially those trying to maintain a competitive edge.
Good VRM requires analysis of thoughtfully collected quantitative data, as well as more qualitative vendor relationship–building skills.
VRM can help businesses get better prices, more reliable deliveries and more useful and innovative products to suit their needs.
VRM involves thinking about what you prefer from your own customers and delivering the same thing to your vendors.

Vendor Registration & Selection

It captures supplier strength, weakness, financial status, category, risk associated with it, years of experience, any certification and rating.
User can create vendor contract, shared goal plan and review for each selection record. This acts as the basic of further step by step management and analysis.

Vendor Selection Vendor Selection Report

Vendor Contract

Vendor Contract

It captures the details like type and period of contract, Generic Terms of Condition, Payment terms, Delivery terms, Quality terms etc.
It also mentions billing cycle any pre-payment days and discount details.

Purchase Strategy Policy

Every company needs to define Purchase Strategy and policy towards vendor relationship.
It defines the details like supply risk, profit criteria, market assessment, Delivery (average) Days, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Delivery Authority etc.
There is also need of guidelines of Vendor evaluation, vendor contracts/Bidding, confidentiality clause, lagality and overall Goals measure.

Purchase Strategy Policy

Shared goal plan

Vendor Shared Goal Plan

It mentions overall plan summary, supply delivery, mutual contract changes if any, procurement budget, planned cost reduction.

Performance Reviews

Company updates supplier performance review details like Quality (SLA), Delivery time (Days), Cost variance, Defect rate based on each and every delivery .
It also updates Lead time, Vendor availability when service is needed, Technical services and Policy compliance metrics.

Performance Review

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