Dashboard captures summary of Sales Revenue, Procurement Expense in a given financial year. It also captures the top customer and vendor analysis, rating, top items procured or sold.
Peacksoft SCM shows the monthly trend of Purchase, Sales and Inventory.
It shows the pie chart of Requistion, PO by their status. All the pending stuffs can easily be handled by looking at these statistics.
It brings the alert for Sales bill receivable due and overdue. It also gives statistics on total amount receivable from all the customers and their overdue status.
It also shows the monthly trend of material issue and return.
Purchase dashboard shows the monthly trends of procurement of goods.
It shows the summary of top 5 supplier procurement and their rating management.
It also shows the top 5 item procurement statistics.
It also shows the summary of average purchase cycles starting from Indent raised to PO approval to Goods Receipt to Invoice raised.
Purchase requisition monthly trend for items quantity needed. It also gives summary of pending requisition to be processed fo Purchase Order.
Purchase Order report collects the monthly summary of procurement values and also shows Purchase order by status.
Goods Receipt Note trend for month wise quantity of goods received.
Sales Dashboard with records count summary. It also shows alert for pending receivables due and payables due.
Monthly Sales Order trends report.
Monthly Sales Delivery trends report.
Monthly Sales Revenu and GST amount trends report.
Quotation month wise trends and status wise tracking.
Sales Visit schedules in a calendar month, week and day wise from last 3 months to next 6 months in future.
Monthly Sales Visit count vs visit completion count, visit report submission.
Sales employee wise visit schedules pie chart, visit status pie chart and todays schedule gantt chart.
Sales employee attendance tracking daywise in a month and cumulatve attendance month wise.
Intuitive solutions on cloud with integrated features like Accounting, Purchase, Sales, Production, CRM, Payroll, Inventory & Filing of all compliances. . Call us at +91-86608 58802 (M: 9845167247) to schedule a consultation.